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Running Achievements iOS App for parkrun updates

Running Achievements iOS App for parkrun updates

Since releasing the first version of Running Achievements (an app to track your badges and achievements at parkrun), we have had a lot of feedback from the parkrun community.

It's even been nicknamed 'Smadges' by the community!


There have been a number of updates released since launch from this feedback, more updates are planned (one should land later this week!).


Main features that have been added:

- Volunteer Badges and stats

- Translated Volunteer badges to German, Russian and Polish (others in progress)

- New achievements to complete (eg Dizzy Heights, Calendar Bingo, Obsessive achievements)

- Statistics screen with lots of great stats to view

- Event stats to compare your event times and how you have done versus your pb at that event

- iOS Game Center boards added for most runs, unique runs as well as the existing pb board


As well as all that, we have done a number of UI updates to improve the experiance and fixed a mountain of bugs.


Plans going forward:

- Add more translations of other languages

- More regional achievements

- GPS? We may look at adding some location based information later

- Android App!


Android is something we have had many requests for.

We are looking into adding this, though it costs money to do and thus is not the priority at the moment (its a free app with no earnings made from it).
It is planned for sure but will need some time investment too in order to figure out how we do that and sort through any differences in the Android platform, so there is a learning curve on this one too hence the delays on this. It will come!


If you have any any further feedback or suggestions, please leave a comment.


Written by Ford Hollett on the 12/4/2019

Download Links:

App Store
Play Store

Images / Screenshots:

Run details and notes


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