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Euro Truck Simulator 2 screens and review

Euro Truck Simulator 2 has hit stores this quarter, so we got our hands on it being lovers of truck sims like King of the Road and Rig n Roll.

Our first impressions were of amazement, due to the stunning visuals of the game. Taking our first drive out we immediately became aware of the additional elements added to your surroundings, giving you a sense of belief you are there driving a real truck.

Being a simulator, there is a bit of a learning curve on the speed and turning abilities of the trucks, but we have to say this is quite a satisfying feeling. It's nothing like an arcade racing game don't forget, so you have things like engine breaks, mountains of gears to get through and you can't forget about the sheer weight of your cargo.
It doesnt stop there either, the level of detail on the weather effects and also when the night takes hold is outstanding, cars making risky over taking moves if your going to slow and people getting angry when you leave your high beam on.

As for the trucks themselves, there are some licensed trucks such as Renault, with other replica makes pretending to the real thing. The other vehicles on the road are also equally well modelled, you dont need to be a genius to work out what make they really are so this doesnt really take anything away from the game. There are many varied cargo to haul, from fruit and veg to oversized machinery, each very authentically detailed.

The map is also rather vast, with destinations such as London, Amsterdam, Lille and so on, you get a real sense of being in the country with the scenery and surroundings to go with it.
You will see some of your favourite euro towns with great scenery like the Humber bridge in Hull, or the windmills in Holland.

Like many other truck sims, you start out as a driver with little money and big ambitions. You will only get jobs you have licences for and can only take on jobs to neighbouring areas.
As you spread your wings and discover more of Europe, your possibilities and XP earned can help unlock new cargo and rewards, as well as finding enough challenging environments and tight situations to keep you interested along the way.

This game really picks up on the first Euro truck and thrusts it into a new level of truck sim. We have to say, as a simulator, this beats Rig N Roll, and even our all time favourite King of the Road.
If your truck lover, you need to get your hands on this.

Really realistic in terms of a truck sim, though a star short of top since for some players this may be a bit too slow paced.

Some of the best visuals your g
Written by HollettGaming on the 12/8/2012


euro truck
john jacob lugtu
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