Offroad Legends Review
We came across the iPhone game
Offroad Legends just recently.
What amazed us was the r
ealistic physics engine the creators have managed to build in. With a love for making games ourselves, we are quite impressed with the end result.
At first look, the
crisp 3d graphics on this app are amazing, a lot of work has gone into these.
More over, the use of the iPhones retina display and CPU have been pushed to great limits. This is noticed when you feel the phone get quite unusually hot!
But the reason is quite clear, the graphics, scenery and objects all working together with the physics are really spectacular.
The warmup version which is free has a great selection of vehicles and a good few levels to keep you entertained, but you may end up needing more! That's where the full version comes in to it's own. There is a large selection of vehicles and 56 levels to work your way through.
Each level offers 3 stars, depending on how well you do. There are many time trials, finish fast to get all the stars. Other levels have cargo to transport, drop any and you will loose stars. Bored of star collection? There is always the achievements to earn, or even tune your vehicles by messing with the suspension and wheels!
The physics of the vehicles is the main attraction for us, each level and vehicles needing careful planning to pass without breaking down. Land too hard and you are running the risk of loosing wheels, an awkward angled landing can also bend your axles causing a lose of traction not to mention making for an uncomfortable ride!
In summary then, get the free version to try out these great physics, some of the best we have seen in an iPhone app, no brainier. And if you like it as much as we did, you can upgrade! .

Excellent physics, crash dynamics and vehicle control. Later levels a little too arcade like for us.

Pushing the iphone to it's limits.

Lots of vehicles and many levels to keep you going for good amount of time.
Hollettgaming Overall Rating:

Outstanding physics engine, see it for yourself.
Written by HollettGaming on the 9/8/2012