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Free QR Code Generator Released

Free QR Code Generator Released

This Free QR code generator was created as a bit of a test of integrating a third party dll into our apps and how we can use them on future projects.


In this case ZXing for QR code reading and writing, which worked very well and in just a few hours we had this app up and running.


- Enter a URL or text string to generate a QR code for it, on screen

- Saves the image to disk

- On Windows the folder the image is saved in is automatically opened so you can see the created file


Its a basic app but does let you enter a string (such as a URL) and it will convert that to a QR code as a png image you can use elsewhere.


Its free to use on Windows and may come later for other devices if demand is there for it.

Written by Ford Hollett on the 8/11/2021


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